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时间:2016-12-16   来源:金沙集团wwW3354CC博达软件    阅读:






研究领域: 光学设计、三维显示、微纳光刻技术


2008.7 陕西理工学院物理系     学士

2011.6 四川大学物理科学与技术学院 硕士

2014.6 四川大学物理科学与技术学院 博士


1.2011.01-2015.12 中科院“十二五”重点支撑项目,“基于人工复眼结构的全景成像系统研究”(192万)(参研);

2.2011.01-2014.12 横向项目:“三维防伪标识设计与研究” (50万)(主研);

3.2009.01-2012.12 中科院“西部之光”项目“基于微纳结构的高透过率盖板玻璃”(28万)(参研)

4.2015.2-2018.2 华大科研启动金“基于集成成像的动态三维防伪技术研究”(4万)(主研)


1.Yukun Zhang,   Xiaochun Dong, Jinglei Du, Xingzhan Wei, Lifang Shi, Qiling Deng, and Chunlei   Du, “Nanolithography method by using localized surface Plasmon mask generated   with polydimethylsiloxane soft mold on thin metal film”, Optics   Letters, Vol. 35, Issue 13, pp. 2143-2145 (2010)

2.Yukun Zhang,   Jinglei Du, Xingzhan Wei, Lifang Shi, Qiling Deng, Xiaochun Dong, and Chunlei   Du, “Resolution and stability analysis of localized surface Plasmon   lithography on the geometrical parameters of soft mold”, Applied   Optics, Vol. 50, Issue 13, pp. 1963-1967 (2011)

3Zhiyou Zhang, Yukun Zhang,   Shuhong Li, Jinglei Du, Fuhua Gao, Ruiying Shi, Bangcheng Yang,   “Fabrication method of double-slit-grating for high resolution microspectrometers,”   Microelectron. Eng. Vol 98, pp. 147-150 (2012);

4.Yukun Zhang,   Jinglei Du, Shaoyun Yin, Hongtao Gao, Liangping Xia, Lifang Shi, Chunlei Du,   and Zhiyou Zhang, “Nanolithography method with controllable critical   dimension based on evanescent waves coupling” Optik, Vol 125, PP.   3201-3203(2014)

5.Yukun Zhang,   Jinglei Du, Lifang Shi, Xiaohun Dong, Xingzhan Wei, and Chunlei Du,   “Artificial compound-eye imaging system with a large field of view based on a   convex solid substrate”, SPIE, Vol. 7848, (2010);

6.Yukun Zhang, Yan   Liu, Hui Pang, Lifang Shi, Xiaochun Dong, Qiling Deng, Jinglei Du, Shaoyun   Yin, and Chunlei Du, “Antireflective structures fabricated from silica   nanoparticles with regular arrangement”, SPIE Vol. 8564,   (2012);

7.Yukun Zhang,   Jinglei Du, Hui Pang, Qiling Deng, Lifang Shi, Shaoyun Yin, Chunlei Du,   Xiaochun Dong, Zhiyou Zhang, and Jinglei Du, “Integral imaging system with a   soft substrate,” SPIE, (accepted);

8. Yukun Zhang, Yu   Liu, Jinglei Du, Shaoyun Yin, Lifang Shi, Qiling Deng, Xiaochun Dong, and   Chunlei Du, “Fabrication of high-performance lens array used on imaging   systems,” 科学技术与工程, Vol. 14, PP.   1671-1815(2014).